The Twins of Neverland

The girl and boy were brought in, each of them wearing what could have been described as sleek, state of the art combat uniforms. The girls was white with black lining and her brother the opposite, black with white lining. They were certainly aesthetic. They walked twenty or so feet until reaching the center of the room when they stopped, holding their arms behind their backs. They looked, in the Captain’s opinion, very much like soldiers, though not like any he had ever seen.

The twins were thin for their age. Neither of them looked particularly strong or built. But they did sport a distinct look in their eyes, as though they were both angry and terrified at the same time. That was a look he knew to be common in many soldiers. The ambassador spoke first. He was not a military man, he had no history with combat or the army and so it might have been true he didn’t notice the look as much as he did.

“Well then, Hello,” he said in a tone that suggested both forced amiability and annoyance, “We have been looking for you two for a very long time.” Neither of the twins said anything. “Have you been treated well?”

“Yes, sir.” said the boy, his voice was small but at the same time large, his words marked the beginning of an actual conversation.

“Good.” The Ambassador said, “We wanted you to come here to speak with you concerning your father.”

“Yes, sir.” He echoed again. “He was a criminal.”

“I’m glad you understand that, do you know why he was a criminal?”

“He killed people,” said the boy, “he helped terrorists.”

“Yes, he did.” said the ambassador. “So, tell us. What can you do?”

The question, i knew was a loaded one. Just how powerful were the children of the famous terrorist. “I rip things apart, she pulls them together, she can feel them too.” the boy said, losing some of his formality.

“I, er, see.” he said, “What else?”

“I can feel the air.” the girl said, finally. “I can feel everything.”


“Meaning, sir,” she said looking at him with wide eyes, “ That there are eight guns pointed at my brother and me. One on each side of the upper level, and one in each corner for down here. The floor is also wired to electrocute anyone standing on it, should the current be switched on.”

The Ambassador said nothing, instead he looked at her flabbergasted.

I, myself, was not surprised. The Ambassador was not a kind man, it was no shock he’s resort to the harming and or kidnapping of children.

“Are you happy?” I asked, they all turned to look at me, “On the island.” I elaborated.

“We are the gifted.” The girl sad, “Why wouldn’t we be happy?”

“Don’t you miss home?”

“Why would we miss a lie?” the girl said and her face wasn’t angry, it was nearly sympathetic. A look of pity.

I say nothing, there’s really nothing to say.

“Can we go home now?” the boy asks.

“Well, er, yes…yes i do think we have everything we need from you. Escort them out.” he signals to the guard and they take the children out of the room and back to their transport. “Jesus.” The Ambassador says, “Thank god all those freaks are trapped on that island.”

I smile, those people aren’t trapped at all.

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