The Necromancer – Part 4

The cat stood in the center of the village, watching the wood and straw houses go up in flames, all the while subject to the screeches of the towns people, yelling as they burnt. The cat, though, was mostly unmoved by this. Yes, it was true usually he would be made very frightened, if nothing else, of the whole ordeal. But for whatever reason on that particular day he found himself perfectly comfortable in laying back and watching it all play out.

The girl walked up to him and sat down, having walked out of one of the burning houses. She was, however, untouched. The cat huffed, or maybe it was a sigh. He was no longer impressed by the girl’s devil-fueled antics.

“Oh, must you?” she said, half annoyed, rolling her eyes at him. “I know your cross, but I mean honestly?”

“It’s not my fault you’ve begun to bore me.” He said, out loud and for all to hear. Not that there were many people to hear seeing as most of them were in the process of being burnt alive.

“Bore you?” the girl seemed somewhat incredulous at this. “I literally brought the devil out of hell.”

“Yes, yes, I know.” He said, lazily, laying down next to her. “It’s just…” at that moment a woman with burning clothes ran out of one of the houses, neither of them paid her notice.

“It’s just what?” she said, tilting her head to look at him, “What?”

“I mean, it’s just getting a bit old, you know?” he said, resting his head, “A bit tiring.”

“You think this is tiring?” she said, motioning around to the fiery buildings and demogorgons which had begun to appear out of the woodlands, eating those few who tried running to escape the fire.

“Just a tad.” He stretched his arms out, making himself comfortable.

The girl scoffed at him, annoyed, and threw herself backward onto the ground to stare up at the demon filled sky. “I hate you.” She said, clearly cross.

“I know.” The cat sighed, “I know.”

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