It’s All On You

Human nature is fickle. It can change in little under a generation. Until eventually the world that we knew has vanished and the one left is irreconcilable. What are we? What species. Are we really the same as those who came before us? We are nothing alike. From music tastes to clothing to basic human rights. Human evolution is astounding in that sense. Not only do we evolve biologically but also mentally. We change and grow. Who we are, what we like and approve of. People have always been judgmental but know you get judged for being judgmental. My how the world has changed.

The world used to be a bigger place. Much bigger. It used to be more open to options. Less fragile. But the world has changed and know that we’ve started noticing it’s time to do something. So do something. Do anything. The world is different. And people have more options. Even if the world doesn’t.  Be a political or a businessman or a volunteer. Clean the oceans and stop clearing forests. That’s what we’ve started doing were before it was the opposite. We change according to our surroundings. Not only our DNA but our ideals. What makes us us suddenly changes. But we still have some control. Some choice. We can chose to ignore it. But that’s up to you. Save the planet, the country, a city. Or destroy it. I have no control, they have no control. Do what you want. But it’s all on you.

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