Math and Numbers

There supposed to be the simplest thing in the world, numbers. But really there the exact opposite. They go up and down, never consisting and forever changing like waves on the beach. So bipolar. The funny thing is that they don’t have a reason. They aren’t pushed or shoved around they just do because they always have and never found a reason to stop. Math and numbers make up the world. From your age to your bank account, to the miles between here and there. Their comical in a way. So simple, yet so complicated. What are they? Why are they counting? I don’t know. Nobody does. And they most likely never will. Because that’s the world we live in. One controlled by math and numbers. So many consequences can transpire because of the shift of a decimal point and one man’s life can change forever because of the number on his screen. Math and numbers. I have no idea what they are other than the fact that they’ve controlled my life since before my life began. Since the big bang and the creation of everything in the sky. Since it decided the numbers of stars that shine and those who don’t. What are math and numbers? I don’t know. Do you?

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